Mas Sirrah

Mas Sirrah was a male Human from Corellia who became a member of the Imperial Inquisitorius.


Sirrah was a male Human born on the Core World planet of Corellia. With a strong connection to the Force, Mas Sirrah chose to serve the Inquisitorius, a clandestine division created by Emperor Palpatine within Imperial Intelligence. Like all Inquisitors in the Empire, Sirrah's mission was to hunt down Jedi who had evaded Order 66.

In 18 BBY, one year after Palpatine founded the Galactic Empire, Darth Vader, a Sith Lord, summoned Mas Sirrah and assigned him and Yral Chael to Probus Tesla. Their primary objective was to capture I-Five and Jax Pavan, a Jedi Knight who had survived Order 66 and was working as a private investigator in the Blackpit Slums. He met his end when Kajin Savaros, Pavan's apprentice, killed him by unleashing an immense, all-encompassing Force push that completely vaporized Sirrah, reducing the Force-sensitive prodigy's target to nothing but ashes.

