Kajin Savaros, known as "Kaj", was a Human male teenager with Force-sensitive abilities. He resided on Coruscant during the period of the Great Jedi Purge.
Born on the planet of M'haeli to Human parents, Kajin Savaros, a Force-sensitive individual, remained undetected by the Jedi Order. Consequently, he never underwent formal training to harness the Force. Following the Order's dissolution by the Galactic Empire at the conclusion of the Clone Wars, the Empire's Inquisitorius initiated a hunt for untrained Force-sensitive beings, aiming for either their conversion or elimination. After his parents were killed by Imperial operatives, Savaros fled to Coruscant, successfully evading the pursuing Inquisitors. Eventually, Inquisitor Probus Tesla cornered the boy, leading to an intense duel that attracted the attention of Jedi fugitive Jax Pavan and Gray Paladin Laranth Tarak. Together, the Jedi rescued him, and Pavan commenced training him as a Padawan. Savaros struggled with controlling his powers, making his training a slow and frustrating process that often ended prematurely. To conceal his prominent Force presence, the group sought a taozin amulet to dampen his Force aura. One day, after abandoning a training session, Savaros was ambushed by Inquisitors in Coruscant's streets while accompanied by Pavan's comrades and fellow Whiplash members, Haninum Tyk Rhinann and Dejah Duare. He fought against his would-be captors. He might have been captured by the Inquisitors if not for the intervention of Pavan, Tarak and their droid I-5YQ. Later, Duare betrayed Savaros and Tarak, resulting in their capture by the Empire. Darth Vader erased Savaros's memories and used him and Tarak as bait to lure Jax Pavan. Pavan rescued them at the Imperial Security Bureau building, saving both Tarak and Savaros. However, Savaros's shattered mind and spirit proved more challenging to heal. Following the confrontation, the Whiplash dispatched him to the Silent and the Togrutan healers on Shili, where Pavan hoped he could recover and relearn to use the Force.
Having been forcibly separated from his loving family and left to fend for himself on Coruscant, Savaros was understandably fearful of the planet-city's inhabitants, particularly the dangers of the underworld, and even more afraid of being captured by the Empire. He tried to avoid attention, employing his Force abilities to mask himself and make himself seem insignificant to others. He possessed a gentle nature but was consumed by despair over his lost life and anger towards the Empire for its destruction.
Living off stolen goods from Ploughtekal Market, he used his innate curiosity and problem-solving skills to survive. Savaros was remarkably intelligent and intuitive, relying solely on instinct to utilize his untrained Force sense. His optimistic thoughts could yield results, as could his anger or fear. Living on Coruscant's streets, he constantly feared discovery. However, he soon realized that suppressing his Force abilities caused them to manifest unpredictably and sometimes violently. This led to a form of self-loathing. Savaros yearned to master his powers and retaliate against the Empire. Under Jax Pavan's guidance, he proved to be a dedicated and capable student, diligently striving for control that his profound pain and rage seemed to constantly elude.
Despite his young age, Savaros possessed exceptional strength in the Force, capable of feats that Jedi Knight Jax Pavan deemed impossible. This inherent talent made him a person of significant interest to Darth Vader and the Emperor. However, Savaros struggled immensely with controlling his powers, often succumbing to unpredictable and dangerous outbursts of rage. He displayed his most impressive abilities during moments of desperation, such as when he defeated Probus Tesla in combat or when he later used the Force to reduce another Inquisitor to ashes during the duel at Rainbow Parkway and Gallery Row.