This brief lightsaber duel occurred at the intersection of Rainbow Parkway and Gallery Row during 18 BBY.
Darth Vader dispatched three Inquisitors, namely Yral Chael, Mas Sirrah, and Probus Tesla, with the mission of locating Jax Pavan and I-5YQ. These Inquisitors possessed Taozin amulets, rendering them virtually undetectable in the Force. In the vicinity of Rainbow Parkway and Gallery Row, they perceived the Force signature of Kajin Savaros and opted to engage him. Kajin, who was in the company of Zeltron Dejah Duare and Elomin Haninum Tyk Rhinann, instructed his companions to seek safety while he prepared for combat. However, just before the fight began, Laranth Tarak appeared to assist the young Force-sensitive individual. Jedi Knight Jax Pavan and his droid, I-5YQ, arrived shortly after, having been transported to the location in Police prefect Pol Haus's airspeeder.
Jax faced off against Yral, Laranth confronted Sirrah, and Kajin battled Probus. A brief skirmish unfolded, during which Yral nearly struck Pavan with Force lightning, but I-5YQ's fingertip lasers intervened, killing him. Amidst the confusion, Laranth lost sight of Sirrah, who then leaped from a nearby rooftop, ambushing her from above with a barrage of potentially lethal Force lightning. Savaros noticed him at the last moment and unleashed a Force Push on Sirrah with such intensity that it completely disintegrated the Inquisitor. This action, however, enabled Tesla to escape.
Tesla's admiration for Kajin's abilities grew, and he also detected a peculiar sentience emanating from I-5YQ, as if the droid possessed sentience. He relayed this information to Darth Vader, who then declared that capturing Savaros was now the primary objective, as it would lead to the capture of Pavan, I-5, and the bota serum. Vader also revealed that one of Jax's associates was secretly working as a double agent for the Empire.
Jax also came to the realization that he could sense I-5, and he informed the droid that their scheme to assassinate the Emperor was doomed to fail because the droid's intentions would be detected. The group then decided to send Kajin to Whiplash leader Thi Xon Yimmon, and they also discovered that Den Dhur had finally departed for his home planet of Sullust and his lover, Eyar Marath.