Duel near Ploughtekal Market

This confrontation unfolded as a clash of Force abilities between Force-attuned Kajin Savaros and the Inquisitorius member Probus Tesla. It transpired within a failing repulsor field in the vicinity of Ploughtekal Market. Sith Lord Darth Vader had tasked Tesla with locating Jax Pavan, a Jedi who had eluded Order 66. While searching the Coruscant area near Ploughtekal Market, Tesla sensed a Force signature. He tracked it to a nearby repulsor field, where he encountered and battled the Force-sensitive Savaros, rather than Pavan. Impressed by Savaros' raw talent, Tesla attempted to subdue him with Force lightning. However, the lightning interacted adversely with the repulsor field, rebounding and incapacitating Tesla. Shortly thereafter, Jax Pavan, accompanied by the Twi'lek Gray Paladin Laranth Tarak, arrived and rescued Savaros.


A Force-sensitive youth by the name of Kajin Savaros had been living secretly on Coruscant ever since the Galactic Empire rose to power. He struggled with regulating his Force abilities, and often used them at inopportune moments.

The Imperial Inquisitor known as Probus Tesla received orders from Darth Vader to hunt down Jedi Knight Jax Pavan. Close to Ploughtekal Market on Coruscant, he detected a Force presence and made the decision to investigate. Upon finally confronting the source within a malfunctioning repulsor field, he was taken aback to discover a young man, not Pavan.

Jax Pavan and Laranth Tarak, the Twi'lek Gray Paladin, sensed the nearby conflict through the Force and hastened to intervene.

The duel

Tesla anticipated Savaros being an easy target; however, the untrained boy's innate power caught Tesla off guard. Savaros ripped off a chunk of energy from the repulsor field and hurled it at the Inquisitor, sending him flying backward, nearly outside of the passage. Tesla tried to recruit Savaros as an Inquisitor; however, the boy refused. Tesla unleashed a wave of Force lightning at him, but the lightning interacted with the unstable repulsor field, reflecting back toward Tesla, rendering him unconscious and causing serious injuries.

Pavan and Tarak got to the scene and discovered Kajin. They escorted him to a secure location, mistakenly assuming the unconscious Inquisitor had died.


Savaros was considered exceptionally strong with the Force, possessing significant potential; with his raw abilities alone, he had overcome a highly-trained Imperial Inquisitor. The very next day, Pavan began to train Savaros as his apprentice. The young boy would serve as a powerful addition to Jax Pavan's friends and the Whiplash organization, although his presence there would begin create distrust among Pavan's friends. It would also prove very difficult for Savaros to bring his powers under control.

Darth Vader would later partner Tesla with two other Inquisitors, Yral Chael and Mas Sirrah, due to Tesla's apparent inability to complete the mission independently. This decision would precipitate another confrontation between Savaros and Tesla.

