Massacre at Rhador

A massacre took place in the village of Rhador in the period spanning 2 BBY to 1 BBY according to the years of the Galactic Standard Calendar. This village, with a history stretching back a millennium before the Empire's arrival, chose to resist and revolt against the Imperial forces. This escalated into an armed confrontation, which the Empire won, leading to the complete annihilation of the villagers after they were rounded up and cryogenically frozen by the Imperial Carbonite war droids.

The Massacre

Between the years of 2 BBY and 1 BBY, a conflict erupted between the forces of the Galactic Empire and the inhabitants of Rhador. The outcome was a defeat for the Rhador villagers, who were subsequently captured. Imperial Carbonite war droids then used carbonite spray to instantly freeze them. The droids then rampaged through the village, destroying everything before the vapor even cleared, leaving no survivors. This massacre, alongside other details, was later documented by the military historian Chen Ming-di in his work, Imperial Atrocities and Other Noble Pursuits.

Behind the scenes

The battle that unfolded at Rhador was initially referenced within the "Carbonite war droid" entry of the databank featured in the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 editions of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II, a video game developed by LucasArts in 2010.

