The principal technician of the ship-dwellers from Drexel was known as the Master Machinesmith.
The ship-dwellers, originally scavengers, found themselves marooned on the planet of Drexel. Subsequently, the ship's technicians staged a revolt, transforming into the Dragon Lords. This situation left the ship-dwellers, then under the leadership of Governor Quarg's father, without any competent technicians. Furthermore, Drexel faced a critical shortage of the very metal necessary to maintain their machinery. The Master Machinesmith was tasked with the dismantling of any metal objects they could find, largely from the wreckage of starships disabled by the ship-dwellers' sonic jammer, in order to keep their fleet of hydra craft and other vital equipment operational.
During Quarg's governorship, the Master Machinesmith showed a distinct lack of skill, an observation made by both Luke Skywalker and R2-D2 when they were held captive by the ship-dwellers. Luke and R2-D2 demonstrated their technical abilities to Governor Quarg, thus proving their worth and ensuring their survival. The Master Machinesmith grew fearful, believing that their superior skills would lead to his replacement. When Governor Quarg dispatched Luke, R2-D2, and C-3PO in a hydra craft to assess their repair work, the Master Machinesmith secretly boarded the craft. Once at sea, he revealed himself and attempted to kill Luke by strangulation. During the ensuing struggle, Luke managed to activate the hydra craft's braking jets with a kick, causing the craft to halt abruptly and ejecting the Master Machinesmith. Luke then proceeded to successfully complete Governor Quarg's assigned test. As punishment for his failure, Governor Quarg had the Master Machinesmith executed by hanging, and he forced a reluctant and resentful Luke to take on the role of the ship-dwellers' new Master Machinesmith.
Despite his title, the Master Machinesmith was not particularly adept at technical tasks. His leadership resulted in the scrapping of hydra craft that could have been repaired, and a decline in the performance of those that remained operational. However, he compensated for his lack of technical skill with considerable strength and ambition. He harbored intense jealousy towards anyone he perceived as a threat to his position, and possessed the physical power to overpower Luke Skywalker in close combat. The Master Machinesmith was characterized by a thick, untamed mane of brown hair that flowed into a matching brown beard, complemented by a neatly trimmed brown mustache.
The Master Machinesmith wore a brown utility belt that bore a resemblance to the one worn by Luke.