MB-RA-7, an RA-7 protocol droid, functioned as an art teacher in the last years of the Old Republic. Its design included silver-colored plating along with black optical sensors.

Production Notes

This droid originated as the classic "Death Star Droid" toy figure during the 1970s.

Hasbro initially recognized this droid when creating their updated 2008 action figure, which then became the foundation for the "Build-a-Droid" figure. The "MB" designation is attributed to Matt Busch, a Star Wars illustrator, who created "You Can Draw Star Wars" content for Star Wars Kids. He personalized his artistic RA-7 by adding his initials, thus giving it a unique identifier.

In 2008, Lego Star Wars introduced a minifigure version of this droid in their Death Star set.


  • Star Wars toy line (Pack: Death Star Droid) (backup link)
  • Star Wars: The Action Figure Archive
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
  • Star Wars: The Legacy Collection (Build-A-Droid: MB-RA-7) (backup link)

Additional Information
