MC75C Star Cruiser

The MC75C Star Cruiser represents a specific class of Star Cruiser originating from Mon Calamari. These vessels served within the Citizens' Fleet during the pivotal Battle of Exegol in 35 ABY, a conflict fought between the Resistance and the forces of the Sith Eternal.


The design of the MC75C Star Cruiser bore resemblance to the standard MC75 Star Cruiser in terms of hull configuration. Distinctive features included an aileron positioned at the rear, housing the bridge compartment at its extremity. This module mirrored that of the standard MC75 but was situated above the hull rather than below. Additional distinguishing elements of the MC75C comprised a ridge running along the top of the hull from the front, and a pod located beneath the hull. Furthermore, the MC75C incorporated a hyperdrive, enabling it to navigate through hyperspace en route to the Unknown Regions.


In 35 ABY, as Darth Sidious plotted to unleash the Sith Eternal's formidable fleet, known as the Final Order, upon the galaxy, numerous MC75C Star Cruisers were integrated into the vast Citizens' Fleet. This fleet was assembled by General Lando Calrissian for the purpose of traveling to Exegol. Many of these vessels displayed colorful markings along their outer hull. Following Sidious's defeat at the hands of the Jedi Rey, the remaining Sith forces were vanquished, and the Citizens' Fleet subsequently departed from the Sith world.

Behind the scenes

The MC75C Star Cruiser made its debut appearance in Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, the concluding chapter of the Star Wars saga and the sequel trilogy. Its official identification occurred in a Star Wars By the Numbers segment on in 2020. During the development phase for ships within the Citizens' Fleet, the production team utilized existing models to populate the scenes effectively. The MC75C was realized through modifications to the existing MC75 Star Cruiser model, which had been originally created for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

