The MD-1 represented a model of medical droid and an element of the MD-series, all crafted by Industrial Automaton. Its design incorporated a subtly humanoid form, the ability to project holograms, and specialization in chemical analysis for laboratories.
Assembled by Industrial Automaton, the MD-1 was categorized as a class one droid and belonged to the company's MD-series line of medical droids. Sharing design cues with Industrial Automation’s earlier 2-1B surgical droid, the MD-1 stood at a height of 1.5 Imperial standard meters. Its construction featured a torso, two arms, a cranial unit, and a bipedal locomotion system, with the lower portion encased in a surgical gown to safeguard its inner workings. MD-1 droids were designed to be ambidextrous.
The MD-series units typically featured gray plating accented with green, and yellow photoreceptors. Priced at 2,000 credits per unit, they were commercially available across the galaxy. A connection socket was integrated into the lower torso, enabling direct interface with a computer.
The MD-1 droids were engineered to function as laboratory technicians, capable of conducting both standard and sophisticated laboratory analyses on bacteria, germs, poisons, and various diseases. Their primary function was to aid in the development of vaccines and antibiotics.
Manufactured on the droid factory world of Telti, these droids saw service with both the Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War. An MD-1 droid was responsible for overseeing the laboratory within the sick bay aboard the Imperial EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate Far Orbit.
The New Republic, the Alliance's successor, utilized an MD-1 to assist a 2-1B surgical droid in the examination of Urlor Sette, a former Alliance prisoner of war who was unknowingly carrying a lethal device implanted by Ysanne Isard. The device was triggered when a Rogue Squadron pilot mentioned Sette's name, resulting in his death.
During the Yuuzhan Vong war, an MD-1 droid was involved in laboratory investigations into the restorative properties found in the tears of the Fosh, Vergere.