Meeka Reen was a Human female from the planet Jerne who led a group of forces in opposition. During the period spanning 0 ABY to 3 ABY, she came across Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, two members of the Rebel Alliance, who informed her about an ancient crystal rumored to grant control over time. Although Reen feigned disbelief in Skywalker's account, she was secretly fascinated by the immense power that the crystal could bestow upon its wielder.
She permitted a mission to proceed towards Adony Station, the crystal's purported location. After engaging and defeating several Imperials, Reen, her pirates, and the Rebels discovered the entrance to the vault containing the crystal. Subsequently, Reen betrayed Skywalker and Organa, intending to seize the crystal for her own purposes. However, upon entering the vault, a pre-detonated [bomb](/article/bomb/legends] exploded, resulting in the death of her and her entire crew.

Meeka Reen, a Human female, held the position of leader within a gang composed of pirates operating on the planet of Jerne. Despite her group's rebellion against the Galactic Empire, they did not forge an alliance with the Rebel Alliance. Sometime between 0 ABY and 3 ABY, her pirates imprisoned the Rebels Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa. They presented the pair to Reen, who stated she would address them later, but first wanted to know what had happened to the Imperial Captain Ryko Vant, whom she regarded with contempt. A member of her crew informed her that he had escaped and likely returned to Jerne City H.Q. by that time. Reen then turned her attention to the Rebels, who revealed their plans to head towards Adony Station. Reen expressed surprise at their destination, noting that the location only contained an Imperial outpost and lacked even a cantina.
Subsequently, Skutch, a member of Reen's gang, observed that Skywalker's droid, R2-D2, carried an electronic trace, prompting Reen to order its immediate removal and demand an explanation from Skywalker, threatening him with elimination otherwise. Skywalker then explained his need for Reen's assistance in reaching Adony Station: he claimed that a month prior, the Rebels had discovered a ship containing image tapes revealing the presence of an artifact of importance to the Rebel Alliance at the station.

He attempted to conclude his narrative there, but Reen intervened, declaring that no one would approach Adony Station until she knew what the Alliance sought. Skywalker relented upon seeing a guard raise a blaster to Organa's head, further elaborating that the tapes revealed the existence of an artifact known as the Eternity Crystal capable of reversing and advancing time at the user's discretion. Adopting a nonchalant demeanor, Reen feigned disbelief but secretly entertained the notion, envisioning herself as the empress of the universe with such a crystal. She then granted Skywalker a chance, threatening him with death if his story proved false. In her thoughts, Reen anticipated Skywalker's demise regardless, as she had no intention of letting such an opportunity pass.

As the new day dawned, the guerrillas and Rebels gathered supplies for the assault. Noticing Skywalker retrieving his weapons, Reen instructed Skutch to keep an eye on him. The heavily armed group of twenty then departed, with Reen ensuring everyone was aboard the skimmers. Reen and Skywalker scouted the Imperial outpost at the station, both observing its lack of expected reinforcement. The entire group then descended, and Reen noted her sense of unease. At that moment, the Imperials opened fire, and Skywalker urged everyone to return fire. The guerrillas sustained damage, prompting Reen to order continuous laserfire and a scattered advance on foot.
Following the brief skirmish, Reen celebrated their victory, deeming it an easy win. Skywalker expressed surprise at her comment, given the loss of six of her men, but Reen dismissed their significance, emphasizing the survival of Skywalker and Organa, which allowed them to locate the vault. The remaining individuals then proceeded to the ancient ruins, with Organa recognizing the location's familiarity. Reen then obtained proton grenades from Skutch. While Skywalker inspected the ruins, Reen kicked up dirt, complaining about the site's lack of anything but stones and dust. Organa then announced that a symbol on the door matched the one from the tapes.

Upon hearing this, Reen concluded that the two Rebels were no longer needed, ordering them to drop their weapons and stand away from the site with Skutch, ensuring they would cause no trouble. She planned to ransom the pair to the highest bidder. Reen instructed one of her pirates to provide her with a grenade to blast the door open. Once completed, she and her band entered. As Reen speculated about the vault's contents, she requested a light, but a bomb planted earlier by the Sith Lord Darth Vader—intended for Skywalker and Organa—detonated, killing Reen and her pirates; there was no crystal at Adony Station, as the entire incident was a trap set by Vader.

Leia Organa considered Reen to be an unpleasant individual, expressing concern before meeting the gang leader. Reen viewed Imperials like Captain Vant with disdain and found Adony Station's lack of a cantina unappealing. Upon discovering Luke Skywalker's story, she readily threatened him at gunpoint to extract all the details. After the Rebel finished speaking, Reen feigned disbelief while secretly excited by the tale's prospects. She subsequently allowed him to "convince" her to give the plan a chance, continuing to threaten him with death and holding his chin in the process.
The loss of six of her men to the Empire was of little concern to Reen, as she considered them worthless. She remained focused on reaching the vault, even inadvertently revealing her plans, stating that she alone intended to find it instead of the entire group. Once the entrance was located, she executed her double-cross, having the Rebels taken away by Skutch. Reen had black hair, blue eyes, and fair skin.
Meeka Reen wore brown clothing and gloves that utilized a cape along with a gold-colored jacket. A brown belt, brown boots, gold-colored earrings, and a gold-colored headband were also part of her attire. She employed a blaster to combat stormtroopers and proton grenades to breach the ancient vault.
Meeka Reen's debut occurred in the comic story "Dark Knight's Devilry," penned by Steve Moore, illustrated by Alan Davis, and initially published in the 153rd issue of The Empire Strikes Back Monthly in January 1982.