Originally appearing in The Empire Strikes Back Monthly issue 153, "Dark Knight's Devilry" is a comic book tale penned by Steve Moore. It was later reprinted in a colorized format, becoming the second story featured within Classic Star Wars: Devilworlds issue 1.
Following their capture by Captain Ryko Vant, Luke Skywalker, R2-D2, and Leia Organa find themselves en route to an Imperial base located on the world of Jerne. Their transport is ambushed by indigenous guerrilla fighters lying in wait beneath the planet's sands. The troopers, caught off guard, are swiftly overcome by their prisoners. All troopers on board are killed, except for Vant, who escapes using a jetpack. As he flees, the Captain targets Organa, but Luke pushes her aside, and R2 takes the hit. The rebels are then taken captive once more, this time by the native fighters, who escort them to their hidden base.
Captain Vant's jetpack runs out of fuel as he returns to Jerne City H.Q.. Frustrated, the commander orders Sgt. Falesh to initiate a planet-wide sweep, mentioning the tracer attached to R2. Upon entering his control room, Vant is shocked to find Darth Vader awaiting him. The Dark Lord expresses his displeasure at the prisoners' escape, scolding the Captain and revealing that the tracer is unnecessary, as he already knows their destination.
At the guerrilla base, Luke and Leia are introduced to the fighters' leader, Meeka Reen. The young woman demands to know the reason for the Rebels' presence on her planet, threatening them if they don't provide answers. Left with no choice, Luke recounts their discovery of an abandoned ship in the sector, which they investigated. Rebel scientists analyzed the ship, uncovering image tapes that included the ship's log and an entry about the Eternity Crystal. The tapes revealed that the crystal and the ship were created by the long-gone original inhabitants of Jerne, and described the crystal's power to reverse time to a specific point and then restart it along a different path. Upon learning this, Leia desired to use the crystal to prevent the destruction of Alderaan by the Death Star, or even potentially prevent the Empire's rise altogether. They decided to search Jerne for the crystal but were shot down by TIE/LN starfighters while attempting to enter the planet's atmosphere.
After hearing their tale, Meeka voices skepticism but considers using the crystal for her own purposes. She insists on traveling to Adony station, the supposed location of the crystal, to verify their claims. Luke notices something amiss with the station, spotting fresh concrete on the ancient structure. The guerrillas blast open the station's door, but upon entering, they trigger a booby trap, causing the entire station to explode, leaving only a crater.
Vader and Vant then arrive at the crater where the station once stood. Vader discloses that he deliberately placed the alien ship in orbit around the planet, anticipating the rebels' discovery. Knowing Leia's desire to alter her home planet's fate, the Sith Lord set the trap to eliminate the rebels upon entering the station. Believing both rebels perished in the explosion, neither notices them emerging from the sand-filled crater. Luke discovers a proton grenade and throws it at the two Imperials. Luke and Leia then board Vader's scout ship and flee the planet. As they depart, Leia inquires if Luke believes Vader died from the grenade, to which Luke responds that Vader's armor makes it difficult to ascertain.
The cover of Classic Star Wars: Devilworlds 1, which featured the republication of "Dark Knight's Devilry," depicted Luke Skywalker wielding his green lightsaber. However, within the comic itself, he is shown using his father's lightsaber.