Classic Star Wars: Devilworlds

ClassicStarWarsDevilWorlds1CC Classic Star Wars: Devilworlds 1 cover. Classic Star Wars: Devilworlds is a comic book collection in two parts. It falls under the Classic Star Wars banner. This collection brings back into print a number of the more rarely seen Star Wars stories crafted by Alan Moore, Steve Moore, and Steve Parkhouse that originally appeared in Marvel UK's Star Wars comics. Dark Horse Comics provided recoloring, reformatting, and retouching to the artwork. It is interesting due to the presence of tales with questionable canonicity, some of which were only integrated into official continuity much later through references.

The series consists of a pair of releases, one in August 1996 and the other in September 1996.

Place in continuity

The Devilworlds narratives are a part of the Star Wars (1977) comic series from Marvel Comics, and therefore hold S-Canon status unless referenced elsewhere.




  • Star Wars Omnibus: Wild Space Volume 1


Notes and references
