
ComicScan was a recurring segment featured in both Star Wars Galaxy Magazine and Star Wars Galaxy Collector. Its focus was the analysis of Star Wars comic books.


Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 1: "Double Your Star Wars Pleasure"

Charlie Novinskie provides a preview of two upcoming releases from Dark Horse Comics: Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi - Dark Lords of the Sith and Star Wars: Dark Empire II.

Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 2: "Star Wars...On A Daily Basis"

The time that artist Al Williamson spent illustrating the original Marvel Star Wars comic strip is profiled by Charlie Novinskie.

Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 3: "Marvelously Silly Aliens"

This section highlights the intentionally cheesy alien characters from the Marvel Star Wars comics.

Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 4: "Illustrating Empire"

Gary Gerani takes a deep dive into the work of several artists who contributed to Star Wars comics: Al Williamson, Carmine Infantino, Dave Dorman, and Cam Kennedy.

Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 5: "Comics' White Knight"

Andy Mangels, a Star Wars author, presents a profile of Mike Richardson, the founder of Dark Horse Comics, and his role in revitalizing Star Wars comics.

Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 6: "Pulp Faction"

Don Charles explores the function of bounty hunters within the narrative of Star Wars comics.

Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 7: "The Graying of the Galaxy"

"The new Shadows of the Empire comic series from Dark Horse focuses on Boba Fett and Xizor."

Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 8: "Taken By Force"

This section focuses on how the dark side of the Force influenced Dark Horse's Star Wars comics.

Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 9: "New Faces Rising"

An examination of the artists Terry Dodson and Kevin Nowlan and their work on illustrating the comic adaptation of Heir to the Empire.

Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 11: "Paint Him Black"

This section examines the significant impact of Darth Vader on Star Wars comics.

Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 12: "Where Leia Lets Loose"

Daniel Wallace, a Star Wars author, delves into the portrayal of Princess Leia Organa within the Star Wars comic books.

Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 13: "Telling Tales"

Daniel Wallace conducts an interview with Tom Veitch, who co-authored the Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi comic series.

Star Wars Galaxy Collector 4: "Comics That Almost Were"


Star Wars Galaxy Collector 5: "20 Tales To Tantilize"

