Dark Lord's Conscience

"Dark Lord's Conscience," a comic narrative penned by Alan Moore, originally debuted in The Empire Strikes Back Monthly 155. Subsequently, it was reproduced with added color in Classic Star Wars: Devilworlds 1.

Storyline Synopsis

Darth Vader finds himself on the world of Cheelit, where he accepts an invitation from Dhol, the planet's leader, to participate in a game of Firepath. As the game unfolds, the Dark Lord discloses that he also received a mental challenge from the Guild of Vindicators, suspecting their intent to assassinate him. Simultaneously, two stormtroopers are stationed outside the Hive Palace, maintaining vigilance against potential threats. Emerging from the darkness, Clat the Shamer unexpectedly appears, causing the troopers to jump. Before the troopers can react with gunfire, Clat employs his empathic abilities, overwhelming them with the weight of their past transgressions, driving them to madness.

Having dealt with the troopers, Clat infiltrates the palace, disrupting the Firepath game to confront Vader. Attempting to use his empathic powers on the Sith Lord, the Vindicator steps onto the Firepath game. Assuming he had manipulated Vader's thoughts, Clat is taken aback when Vader proceeds to announce his turn in the game. Consequently, the fire intended for the game piece engulfs Clat instead, resulting in his demise. Following the death of the failed assassin, Vader confesses that he was aware of Dhol's collaboration with the Vindicators in orchestrating his arrival on the planet. Vader then makes a final move, incinerating Dhol as well.

