Mellora Falon

Mellora Falon was a youthful female scientist of the Human species. Not long after the Battle of Naboo, she completed her studies at a distinguished institution of science and subsequently set out on an adventure to Uriek, where she encountered and formed a friendship with Granta Omega, an individual described as a Force Blank.

After her time spent with Omega, Falon developed a fascination with Sith artifacts and a strong interest in the power of the Force. Later, she assisted him in the capture of Jedi Padawan Anakin Skywalker during a small gathering of their Sith-cult associates and friends on Coruscant.

Omega's path had crossed with Skywalker's on the war-torn planet of Haariden, where he coincidentally interacted with the Jedi group that had come to rescue the very team of scientists sponsored by the Senate. Omega was masquerading as a legitimate member under the alias "Dr. Tic Verdun." The Senate's goal was to de-escalate the civil war and establish peace by dispatching a secret scientific mission to assess the planet's mineral resources and fairly distribute the wealth among the warring factions. Omega, desiring to prolong the civil war to secure the world's entire wealth for his own galactic business ventures, exploited the opportunity to infiltrate the expedition team through a Senatorial contact. Skywalker, in his role of protecting the scientists, impressed Omega with his admission that the Force sometimes "frustrated" him, leading Omega to intensely desire to study him further, and thus he orchestrated the young Jedi's abduction.

Falon, now revealing to the captured Skywalker that she possessed Darra Thel-Tanis' lightsaber, challenged the impaired young man to a duel. Despite being under the influence of the drug administered via tea, Skywalker nearly overcame Falon before his Master unexpectedly arrived to save him. Omega then intervened, instructing all his fellow cult members to escape through a window. Following this, he and Mellora returned to Haariden, where Omega resumed his titanite experiments and the comprehensive mapping of the mineral resources across the planet.

However, under orders from the Jedi High Council, Kenobi and Skywalker continued their pursuit of Omega to Haariden.

Ultimately, as Omega and Falon fled the Jedi on a swoop bike amidst the erupting Kaachtari volcano, Omega ejected Falon from the vehicle and escaped to safety. She was rescued by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Skywalker, and subsequently handed over to the Haaridan security forces.

