Melnor Spear

Melnor Spear was a significantly enhanced TL-1800 freighter from Suwantek Systems, utilized by the Imperial Security Bureau. The vessel was transferred to the Imperial Star Destroyer Reprisal in 0.5 ABY, functioning as part of the ISB contingent being transported by Captain Kendal Ozzel to destinations unknown.

Although its external appearance gave no indication, this freighter had undergone extensive modernization of its engines, weapons systems, and internal components. The ship also contained multiple sets of armor for stormtroopers, scout troopers, and spacetroopers, alongside a substantial weapons cache, a pair of speeder bikes, a speeder truck, and approximately 500,000 credits. Furthermore, it possessed technology enabling rapid identity changes for both the ship and its crew, including personal identification tags and numerous transponder codes. These were likely intended for operations against the Rebel forces.

Following the accidental demise of ISB Major Drelfin, the five stormtroopers who would later be known as the Hand of Judgment, under the leadership of Daric LaRone, commandeered the Melnor Spear from the Reprisal. They then employed it as a mobile headquarters during their personal mission to deliver justice within the Shelsha sector. During this period, it operated under the aliases Ville Brok and Gillia, though the stormtroopers often simply called it "the Suwantek."

At the conclusion of their final assignment on Poln Major, the Hand were unexpectedly taken aboard the Imperial Star Destroyer Admonitor, forcing them to abandon the Melnor Spear. Mara Jade, the Emperor's Hand, examined the ship's computer in an attempt to determine their whereabouts, but found no leads. While she was officially obligated to return the stolen vessel to the ISB, she privately considered retaining it for her own purposes.

