
Mensant was a Rodian gambler of the male persuasion, existing in the era of the Galactic Civil War. In the High Card Casino located on the planet of Danteel, a sabacc tournament was to be held, with the financier Veilred Jydor providing a rare Tchine statue as the grand prize; Mensant entered this competition representing the Twi'lek named Arvakke, who had designs on manipulating the outcome. With the assistance of the skifter employed by the cheating gambler Phramp, who intentionally lost to Mensant every eight rounds, Mensant was able to accumulate a significant advantage. Nevertheless, Lando Calrissian and Zerba Cher'dak, fellow competitors, discerned the presence of foul play, leading Cher'dak to engage in his own cheating in order to undermine Phramp's scheme and diminish Mensant's advantage.

