
Mereks, peculiar beings that were a mix of arachnid and monkey, originated from Endor's Forest Moon, as described in Legends material. These solitary creatures generally displayed non-aggressive behavior in their natural habitat.

Biological Traits and Physical Description

Their bodies featured a reddish-brown, leathery skin covering, and were composed of an arachnid-like lower section supporting a humanoid upper torso. The four rear limbs, attached to the arachnid portion, served solely for movement. The front two limbs ended in claws, which they employed for offensive purposes.

Historical Information

During the era of the Galactic Civil War, the Rak'qua clan relocated a group of mereks to the Bright Jewel system. There, they were trained for combat roles at Station Gamma.

After the Battle of Yavin, the collector named Jener Mich contracted a team of spacers for the purpose of hunting and eliminating a large quantity of mereks.

