Station Gamma

Station Gamma, alternatively referred to as Gamma Station, existed as a space station constructed around a sizable asteroid. Its location was within the Ord Mantell Space region, in proximity to Tansarii Point Station.


Rak'qua patrolling the tunnels of Station Gamma.

Initially, Station Gamma functioned as a research center under the control of Jorj Car'das' organization. However, leading up to the Galactic Civil War, the Rak'qua invaded the station, eliminating all of its inhabitants. The Rak'qua transformed the station into a fortified base, heavily defended by numerous Rak'qua warriors, battle droids (including I-10 Probe Droids, B2 super battle droids, K3-I Buzzer Droids, I-8 Black Widows, IT-4 Warning Droids, ESPY E.R. Droids, I-7 Constructs and rescind E.R. Droids) and ferocious war beasts, such as mereks and a massive creature called Ageaughu. Furthermore, the Rak'qua entered into an agreement with the Galactic Empire, granting the Empire permission to establish a communication network within Station Gamma. Despite the Rak'qua's aggressive nature, no significant disputes arose with Car'das from the nearby Tansarii Point Station in the subsequent years. Nonetheless, allies of Car'das avoided Station Gamma. Among space travelers in the system, rumors spread about mercenaries and bounty hunters collaborating with the Empire to capture unsuspecting spacers and deliver them to the Rak'qua. There were also whispers of the Imperials conducting gruesome experiments within the station. In spite of these unsettling rumors, the con artist Delo persisted in selling tickets to the Station Gamma "resort" to tourists visiting the star system.

A starfighter landing at Station Gamma.

Following the Battle of Yavin, the tension between Station Gamma and Tansarii Point Station escalated into outright conflict. This outbreak of hostilities was largely instigated by a corrupt arms dealer operating within the Bright Jewel system, who bribed individuals on both sides to exploit the situation for weapon sales. Car'das deployed troops from Tansarii Point Station to engage the Rak'qua forces on Station Gamma.

In 1 ABY, groups of spacers aligned with Car'das, including a genetically altered Twi'lek, joined the battle on Station Gamma, inflicting substantial losses on the Rak'qua. The Bothan spy Lercer Gaia later uncovered the arms dealer's role in igniting the conflict. Armed with this knowledge, Officer Antom Moria finally managed to convince both factions of the futility of the war, thereby averting further bloodshed.

Another view of Station Gamma

Meanwhile, the Alliance to Restore the Republic suspected a connection between the Rak'qua and the Empire. Consequently, Rebel Agent Garek dispatched a spacer to Station Gamma with the mission of downloading data from their systems to ascertain the truth. However, the Rak'qua had reneged on their agreement with the Empire and implemented a lock on the Imperial communication system located on the station. Alarmed by this development, Captain Thrawn sent Imperial Agent Falrey to Tansarii Point Station. Falrey then recruited a group of loyal Imperial spacers to infiltrate Station Gamma and gather intelligence regarding the Rak'qua's betrayal.

During this period, Station Gamma received visits from various other individuals, including the explorer Frelka and his droid E-5KL, the archaeologist Aquillia, the cook Fiask Nidori, the junk dealer Erikson, and the merchant Tyrral.

Behind the scenes

Station Gamma made its debut in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game created by Sony Online Entertainment and distributed by LucasArts. This appearance occurred before the game's shutdown on December 15, 2011. Station Gamma was integrated into the game as part of the "New Player Tutorial" feature, which was introduced with the release of "Publish 25", also known as the "New Game Enhancements," on November 15, 2005.

