A pirate asteroid base.
Bases within asteroids, otherwise known as asteroid bases, were space stations constructed inside of asteroids. These bases served various factions, encompassing pirates, smugglers, legitimate commercial enterprises, and scientific organizations. Private individuals also utilized them; for example, Void Station functioned as a private sanctuary for the Bothan individual Jib Kopatha. Furthermore, some were adapted to function as bases, such as the Asteroid Hangars created by Byblos Drive Yards, which were initially mining sites.
The criminal syndicate known as Black Sun controlled multiple asteroid bases. The Galactic Empire, in its different iterations, also maintained asteroid bases. These included the Cairn Installation, which was used by the Empire Reborn, and the To-phalion Base and Falken's Lab, both developed by Byblos Drive Yards and used by the Galactic Empire prior to the Battle of Endor. The Rebel Alliance also possessed a few asteroid bases, including one located in the Kashyyyk system. In addition, StarForge Station provided refuge for various galactic outlaws. Station Gamma, which was formerly a research facility owned by the Car'das smugglers, was repurposed by the Rak'qua tribe as a stronghold. Vergesso Base functioned as a shadowport for the Rebel Alliance, although it was officially owned by the Tenloss Syndicate. The resort known as The Edge of the Galaxy featured an asteroid installation.