To-phalion Base

The hidden Imperial research facility called To-phalion Base was situated within the Iast system. The final known purpose of this base was the Vorknkx Project. This project aimed to successfully develop a cloaking device for use on starfighters. Ultimately, the base met its end through destruction at the hands of traitorous Imperial forces led by the rogue Grand Admiral Demetrius Zaarin.

Structural Design

The asteroid base's internal structure included several research labs and a hangar. This hangar possessed sufficient space to accommodate a Starfighter squadron, several Lambda shuttles, and even a CR90 corvette. Defensively, the exterior was equipped with twelve laser cannons and a warhead defense system. Additionally, it featured eight static asteroid defense installations, divided equally between Asteroid Laser Batteries and Asteroid Warhead Launchers.

Historical Narrative

Initial Period

Originally, To-phalion Base functioned as an asteroid mining operation established by the Galactic Empire. When the asteroid's mineral resources were depleted, the interior was repurposed, transforming it into a complex of research facilities.

The Vorknkx Initiative

Following an attack by Zaarin's forces on its original site, To-phalion Base became the new location for the Vorknkx Project and its testbed, a CR90 corvette, necessitating an evacuation. Grand Admiral Thrawn attended a demonstration to observe the project's advancements. During this demonstration, it was discovered that the cloaking device exhibited instability when used alongside hyperdrive technology.

Zaarin's Assault on To-phalion Base

Zaarin, however, infiltrated the base with spies who divulged its location to his forces. Driven by his desire to acquire the cloaking device, he launched a three-pronged attack. The initial wave consisted of TIE Defenders and Muurian transports. Thrawn had foreseen this attack and was setting a trap for Zaarin, but he needed more time.

He then dispatched a squadron of TIE Avengers, including one piloted by Thrawn's elite pilot Tan Maarek Stele, who had previous experience protecting the Vorknkx project and combating Zaarin's forces. Amidst the battle, one of Zaarin's spies commandeered a Lambda 3 shuttle and initiated an unauthorized launch to escape with project data, while also sabotaging the base's targeting systems to prevent being targeted. However, Maarek intercepted the shuttle and destroyed it. The remaining transports and TIE Defenders were quickly eliminated.

Subsequently, a second assault occurred, revealing that the spy had also compromised the defenses, causing shield failures in all static asteroid defense systems. This second wave comprised Assassin-class corvettes named Z-Rok, Assault Gunboats, and Assault transports. The presence of troops on both the corvettes and transports indicated Zaarin's intention to seize the cloaking technology by force. This attack was once again foiled by Maarek Stele. Thrawn also arrived aboard the Nebulon-B frigate Maru Ki to secure the area.

Final Destruction

The Glory over To-phalion Base.

Zaarin, determined to capture the technology, personally took command of the operation. He brought his flagship, the Glory, into the Iast system and began attacking the Maru Ki, inflicting severe damage that forced the ship to jump to hyperspace, with Thrawn evacuating in a shuttle. Zaarin attempted to assassinate Thrawn by ordering his forces to target the two shuttles, but Stele ensured his survival, allowing him to reach his ship, the Grey Wolf, accompanied by two Strike-class medium cruisers, Daring and Ebolo. The Interdictor Corvus was meant to be with them but was delayed, preventing them from trapping the Glory. Making matters worse, To-phalion Base's shields collapsed under the assault, and the Vorknkx launched from the hangar, only to be seized by Zaarin's spies, with the corvette then entering the Glory's hangar bay. To-phalion Base was destroyed in the ensuing chaos, and the Glory jumped to hyperspace. Unbeknownst to Zaarin, Thrawn had placed a tracking device on the corvette, enabling him to pursue Zaarin's forces. This pursuit culminated in Zaarin's demise when he attempted to escape with the activated cloaking device and engaged hyperdrive engines, resulting in a catastrophic explosion.

