
Mharsup functioned as a BFF-1 bulk freighter and was operated by the forces of the Galactic Empire.

During 3.5 ABY, its assignment involved the removal of personnel and equipment from a TIE Defender research outpost, as the station's defensive systems had failed. Tan Maarek Stele, piloting a TIE Defender, shielded the large freighter from the assault launched by Zaarin's military units, who aimed to obliterate the station and the advanced TIE Defender models. These prototypes were being loaded onto the freighter by specialists arriving on the shuttle called G'nabgib. Following this, the freighter successfully jumped to hyperspace. Despite an effort to seize them by Rebels commanding the frigate Hunu, both the freighter and the shuttle managed to transfer the prototypes to the Assassin-class corvette formation known as Hashim group.

