Miko, a world situated within the Esaga sector of the Mid Rim, was designated as a planet. The Jedi residing on this world had a reputation for their distinctive attire, and their utilization of the unique pulsing crystals in the construction of potent Lightsabers.
Moff Delurin held dominion over it as part of his territory. This planet also served as the homeworld of the Mikoan species. The Mikoans initiated a rebellion against the Empire, leading to their suppression by Delurin, who employed the warship Galaxy Dragon to relentlessly bombard the planet with turbolasers and concussion missiles until they pleaded for cessation of hostilities. Following the demise of Emperor Palpatine, a delegation of New Republic diplomats journeyed to the planet with the intention of persuading its inhabitants to align with the Republic. Regrettably, Warlord Delurin materialized aboard the Dragon, renewing his threats of military action. Certain members of the diplomatic mission remained on the planet, endeavoring to incite the Mikoans to revolt, while others departed the system in pursuit of military assistance. Subsequently, the planet became a member of the New Republic.