A clandestine operation, known as the Mission to Adumar, was executed by Jedi Knight Jacen Solo accompanied by his Padawan Ben Skywalker. Their objective was to journey to the planet Adumar and conduct an inquiry into the activities of Adumari missile manufacturer, Dammant Killers. The concern was whether they were producing concussion missiles for planets nearing rebellion, as Alliance regulations created tension with planetary self-interests.
The Jedi master and his apprentice presented themselves as Galactic Alliance Jedi inspectors, leveraging the mystique surrounding the Jedi Order to instill apprehension in the Adumari. As their guide, Testan ke Harran, apprehensively led them through the facility, Ben Skywalker played the role of interpreter for Jacen's supposed "telepathic" abilities. Through their Jedi senses, they detected discomfort among their guide and other Adumari workers concerning a specific section of a wall. To the astonishment of their guide, Ben Skywalker breached the concealed door, revealing an additional production area involved in the unauthorized manufacturing of missiles, unreported to the Galactic Alliance.
Despite being confronted by approximately twenty Adumari guards, Skywalker successfully documented evidence of the clandestine facility, while his Master engaged in intense combat. Displaying impressive Force agility around Cartann, the two Jedi managed to flee the facility. During their escape, they destroyed an unusual Adumari starfighter and killing its pilot. Subsequently, Skywalker transmitted the evidence acquired during the investigation, while the two Jedi departed for Coruscant aboard Jacen Solo's customized Lambda-class shuttle. The transgressions of Dammant Killers were then reported to the Galactic Alliance authorities.