Mission to Argovia

The objective of the mission to Argovia entailed the Rebel forces aiming to obliterate the Imperial Sensor Net Complex situated on the planet.


Amidst the backdrop of the Galactic Civil War, the Empire implemented a blockade around the Endocray sector, harboring suspicions of Rebel presence within its confines.

The mission

To dismantle the blockade control center located on Argovia, the Rebel Alliance initiated a strategic operation. Leona Makk, a captain commanding a cargo vessel, successfully breached the blockade, transporting an Alliance strike force to the planet's surface. Once on Argovia, Battz, a skilled slicer, provided the team with compromised identification cards, facilitating their entry into the complex. The rebels successfully infiltrated the center covertly and strategically positioned explosives to ensure its complete annihilation.


Following the center's destruction, the Imperial forces experienced a significant decline in their ability to effectively maintain the blockade, ultimately leading to the reopening of the Endocray sector.

