Mission to Fuel Station Ergo

The clash known as the Mission to Fuel Station Ergo took place during the Galactic Civil War. It involved Kyle Katarn's incursion into the Imperial Fuel Station Ergo with the intention of infiltrating a smuggler vessel that was en route to the Executor.

After Jan Ors deciphered the nava card that Katarn had translated within the Imperial Security Operations building, she realized that the location of the Arc Hammer was exclusively known by the Executor at any given moment. To maintain secrecy, the Hammer was constantly jumping to hyperspace. The sole means of reaching the factory was via the Executor, and it was common knowledge that the Super Star Destroyer received its supplies from Ergo.

The Moldy Crow made its landing in one of the station's docking bays. Katarn, disguised as a smuggler, infiltrated the Ergo orbital fuel station and proceeded with his plan to board the smuggler ship. Inside the station's cantina, he acquired a keycard from an Imperial officer, relieving him of it.

Within the fuel sector, he manipulated the switches that governed a rotating walkway to gain passage to the main control hub. He then used the stolen keycard to unlock a hidden cache of provisions, which included an Assault cannon. From that location, he rerouted the adjustable fueling arm away from the Crow's docking bay and towards the docking bay of the smuggler ship he intended to board, which he then did.

Once inside the docked ship, he engaged in combat with several Gamorreans and Trandoshans. He then pilfered another yellow keycard from an officer, which he then used to gain access to the ship's bridge. He initiated the engines, but not before exchanging a final communication with Ors via comlink. He was able to reach the Executor using the hijacked ship.

