Mission to Metalorn (Clone Wars)

The Metalorn Mission, a significant event within the Clone Wars, involved Anakin Skywalker's assignment to Metalorn. His objective was to thwart the Confederacy of Independent Systems's production of C-B3 cortosis battle droids. Skywalker successfully demolished the droid factory and apprehended the Separatist leader, Wat Tambor.


Following the successful defense against an attack on Coruscant, Anakin Skywalker received orders to proceed to Metalorn. His dual mission was to capture Wat Tambor and neutralize the threat posed by the C-B3 cortosis battle droids.

The Conflict

Upon arriving on the planet, Anakin infiltrated the Separatist facility. He discovered that the Separatists were not just manufacturing a small number of these new droids, but were in the process of constructing an entirely new droid army. After communicating this information, Jedi Master Yoda instructed Anakin to destroy the facility. While searching for Tambor, Anakin encountered two Dark Acolytes, the brothers Vinoc and Karoc. He defeated them in a lightsaber duel and then reached the factory's power core, where he planted explosives. Continuing his search, he located Tambor and, after defeating his bounty hunter bodyguard Vandalor, took him into custody. Anakin then escaped the facility just before it exploded.

However, as he escorted Tambor back to his ship, Anakin was confronted by a doppelgänger resembling Count Dooku. A duel ensued between the two. Initially, the fight was evenly matched, but the doppelgänger began to provoke Anakin by revealing knowledge of his mother. Overcome with anger, Anakin struck down the doppelgänger and returned Tambor to Coruscant.


Upon Anakin's return with Tambor, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine placed him under the surveillance of his personal guards. Anakin then reported the outcome of his mission to Jedi Masters Yoda and Mace Windu, who expressed their satisfaction with the mission's success.

