Between approximately 8 BBY and 2 BBY, the Wookiee named Chewbacca embarked on a mission to the planetoid of Mollo Tanka. The purpose of this endeavor was to liberate his friend, Han Solo. Solo had been captured by Krrsantan, a Wookiee bounty hunter, acting on the orders of Augustus Graves, the CEO of the Corellian Engineering Corporation. Graves was after the location of an urn containing the ashes of Krestrel D'Naran, a major rival of Jabba Desilijic Tiure. Graves had previously sold this urn to Madelin Sun, a former Sava residing on the planet Antillion. Solo, Chewbacca, and a man claiming to be Solo's father, Ovan (who was actually the criminal Corbus Tyra), also sought to recover the urn for Jabba. They learned of the sale and journeyed to Antillion. There, Solo and Tyra successfully located the urn. However, before they could leave, Krrsantan arrived, stunned Tyra, and abducted Solo, taking him aboard his ship. Chewbacca and Krrsantan engaged in a firefight, but the bounty hunter managed to escape, though Chewbacca attached a homing beacon to his ship before he did.
Chewbacca and Tyra pursued Krrsantan to Mollo Tanka aboard the Millennium Falcon. Before Tyra could join Chewbacca on the rescue mission, he feigned being incapacitated by the stun blast, and Chewbacca left him on the Falcon. Chewbacca proceeded to Graves' building, and after intimidating a couple of security guards into fleeing, he gained entry. The Wookiee advanced to Graves' office, where he found Solo being interrogated about the urn's location. Krrsantan became aware of Chewbacca's presence and opened fire. Chewbacca evaded the blast and engaged Krrsantan in a Wookiee death-duel. During the fight, Chewbacca deployed a thermal detonator at the bounty hunter's feet. This distraction allowed Chewbacca and Solo to fire upon the security guards before escaping Graves' office. Pursued by Krrsantan and the guards, they returned to the Millennium Falcon's parking spot, only to find it had been stolen by Tyra.