Mission to Orinackra

After Rom Mohc (see General) apprehended the deserter Crix Madine, Madine was incarcerated on Orinackra, prompting a rescue mission by Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors.

On Orinackra, Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors landed in the Moldy Crow, and Katarn fought his way through the detention facility's security. He started on the upper floors, then took an elevator down to the command center. From that point, he went back up to the high security cells. Katarn managed to get the keycard for Madine's cell and set the former Imperial free.

Madine returned secretly to his home planet, Corellia, where the Imperials attempted to recapture him, necessitating assistance from Rogue Squadron.

Behind the scenes

The Orinackra mission was originally featured in Star Wars: Dark Forces, the video game from 1995, with Kyle Katarn as the main character.

