Misty Rosas, an American performer, whose birthday is August 14, works as an actress, a dancer, a songwriter, and also as a stunt performer. For The Mandalorian, she executed motion capture for the character Kuiil during its initial season and for Frog Lady during its second season.
- A companion piece for the second season of Star Wars: The Mandalorian was featured in Star Wars Insider 202 as " Star Wars: The Mandalorian Season Two Companion ".
- Star Wars: The Mandalorian: Guide to Season One
- An exclusive excerpt regarding going in for Kuiil from the Pages of Star Wars Insider can be found on StarWars.com (backup link)
- Star Wars Insider 206 featured " Going in for the Kuiil ".
- On Twitter, you can find Misty Rosas ( @MissMistyRosas ) (backup link (MissMistyRosas) not verified!)
- Visit Misty Rosas' page at the Internet Movie Database