Mitth'iv'iklo, whose core name was Thivik, was a Chiss male member of the Mitth family. He held the position of Senior Aide, serving the family Patriarch on the planet of Csilla. He was observed wearing a jacket displaying the sunrise family crest of the Mitth family.
Following the death of the Mitth family Patriarch Mitth'oor'akiord (Thooraki), Syndic Prime Mitth'urf'ianico (Thurfian) was chosen as his successor. Consequently, Thivik's assignment was to escort Thurfian to the Mitth homestead. Upon their arrival at Thurfian's residence, Thivik outlined Thurfian's schedule for the coming days, which included meetings with the Patriels, introductions to the Mitth Patriarch staff, familiarization with the homestead, and an education regarding the authentic history of the Mitth and a clandestine weapon referred to as Starflash.