MM-s3 grenade launcher

The MM-s3 grenade launcher, a product of Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc., was a grenade launcher designed for extended range. It was often paired with the WW-676 repulsorlift sled, creating an artillery platform known as the MobileMortar-3.

Its main purpose was to launch the C-22 fragmentation grenade, but it could also accommodate other grenades of similar dimensions. The weapon could fire at a rate of 50 grenades per minute, utilizing an internal rotation mechanism for flight stabilization and maximum range. A sound dampener on the barrel enabled silent operation, and a targeting computer provided data on range and firing angles. However, due to its inconvenient placement on the launcher, many skilled operators preferred to aim manually, reserving the computer for situations with limited visibility. The internal magazine held 12 grenades, and a motorized pack containing 100 grenades could be attached to the rear loading port. A microrepulsorlift system aided in moving the MobileMortar-3 and minimized recoil during operation.


  • The Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology
  • Arms & Equipment Guide
  • The New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology

Notes and references
