
Morgra, a male Hutt, functioned as a crime lord during the later years of the Galactic Republic. After a conflict arose between him and fellow Hutt Riboga, Morgra was banished to the Gravane system, where he built a center of influence for himself on the installation called Gravane station. Around 20 BBY, a group of freelance agents encountered Morgra. In exchange for the agents undertaking a mission to obliterate Riboga's spice extraction operation located on the planet Kemix, he gave them information regarding the whereabouts of the slaver Haast Aath.


Morgra, whom his subordinates called Magnificent Superior High Lord, was a male Hutt crime lord active in the declining years of the Galactic Republic. A political rivalry formed between Morgra and the Hutt Riboga, but Morgra did not have as much sway as his adversary. Riboga managed to steal Morgra's lieutenant, the Zabrak slaver Haast Aath, and ultimately ensured Morgra's exile to the Gravane system. Morgra was compelled to live on the dilapidated installation Gravane station, and as part of his exile, he was only permitted to speak in Basic, something considered a great dishonor among Hutts. Despite his downfall, Morgra kept a significant portion of his wealth and established a power base on the station, operating from the unkempt hotel known as the Throne Room. There, he was attended by a retinue of servants and entertainers, and he employed the Sullustan Mygg Morb as his personal attendant.

Around 20 BBY, during the Clone Wars, Riboga took control of organized crime within the Cularin system and had Haast Aath create a slaving operation on the world. After Aath abducted a large number of native Tarasin, the Heroes of Cularin—a group of independent contractors—were given the task of rescuing the Tarasin and sought to locate the Zabrak. During their investigation, the agents traveled to Gravane station to meet with Morgra, hoping to get information from him about where Aath had taken the slaves.

Morgra saw the agents' arrival as an opportunity to attack Riboga. He negotiated with the freelancers, offering assistance only if they agreed to shut down Riboga's spice-mining enterprise on the planet Kemix and embarrass his rival by destroying Riboga's newly constructed capital ship, the Rightful Dominion. The agents declined his initial terms, so Morgra changed his offer, saying that if his rival was defeated, he could regain his power and use his resources to relocate the residents of Gravane station, which was in danger of structural collapse. After an agreement was made, Morgra told the agents that Aath had likely taken the kidnapped Tarasin to the world Tharados. The agents then rescued the slaves and sabotaged Riboga's operation on Kemix.

Personality and traits

Morgra possessed strong negotiation skills and was skilled at making deals. He enjoyed flattery and being addressed with grand titles, yet he appeared to be unaware of his subordinates' efforts to please him. After being exiled, Morgra considered speaking Basic to be humiliating and was desperate to leave the Gravane system. However, he couldn't risk doing so while Riboga remained powerful. Therefore, he sought revenge and aimed to humiliate his rival by destroying Riboga's spice-mining business.

Behind the scenes

Rob Edwards created Morgra, and he only appeared in Star Wars canon in Counterstrike, a roleplaying adventure that was part of the For Every Action trilogy within the Living Force campaign. In the adventure, players roleplay as the Heroes of Cularin and can negotiate with Morgra. Only if the players reject his first proposal does Morgra offer to relocate the inhabitants of Gravane station. The player characters can also refuse to deal with Morgra entirely and reach no agreement.

