
Morn, a Mon Calamari male, held membership within the Black Sun criminal organization. Achieving the position of Vigo, Morn operated from his home planet of Dac, where he supervised Black Sun's activities within that specific galactic region. His assassination initiated Maul's campaign to dismantle Black Sun's leadership, compelling the remaining Vigos, along with Garyn, to convene at Garyn's castle on Ralltiir. This gathering set the stage for their collective slaughter in 33 BBY.


Originating from Dac, Morn, a male Mon Calamari, integrated himself into the Black Sun syndicate. Progressing through its hierarchy, he eventually attained the rank of vigo, thereby becoming one of the nine lieutenants within the criminal enterprise. Morn's base of operations was on Dac, where he managed all Black Sun's operations within that particular area of space.

After the attack by Black Sun on Sojourn, the Vigos of Black Sun inadvertently became targets selected by the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious and his master, Darth Plagueis. The Sith were pressed for time and could not eliminate the Vigos one by one. Therefore, they needed to bring them all together to be killed at the same time. To lure them out, Sidious decided to dispatch his apprentice, Darth Maul, to assassinate Morn following the prior execution of Vigo Darnada.

Maul invaded Morn's stronghold on Dac, eliminating all of Morn's guards and court members, saving the Vigo for last. As Morn struggled through the dead bodies of his followers and protectors, the Zabrak Sith murdered the Mon Calamari by striking him with his lightsaber.

