Mouse (sentient species)

The species known as mice, with the singular being mouse, were sentient beings resembling diminutive rodents, characterized by their prominent ears. They originated from the world called Hyperion. A notable member of this species was Mickey Mouse, a celebrated Jedi Master who participated in the Clone Wars and survived the Great Jedi Purge.

Biology and appearance

As a sentient and rodent-like species, mice possessed a rounded head distinguished by a pair of large, dish-shaped ears positioned atop it. These beings exhibited a humanoid body structure, consisting of a torso surmounted by the head, with two arms arranged symmetrically on each side, and two legs situated symmetrically below. Their stature was quite small, reaching a height of approximately 70 centimeters. Relative to their overall size, mice had disproportionately large hands and feet. Each hand was equipped with three fingers and an opposable thumb, enabling them to manipulate and grasp objects effectively. Their facial features included sizable eyes featuring black pupils, along with a noticeable snout. Short, black fur covered the majority of their bodies, with the exception of their faces, which displayed bare, pinkish skin.


The planet Hyperion served as the place of origin for the mice. One individual, Mickey Mouse, became a member of the Jedi Order during the concluding decades of a time period that historians refer to as the "Great Peace of the Republic." Like all Jedi Knights during that era, Mickey Mouse defended the Galactic Republic throughout the Clone Wars. Following the collapse of the Republic and its replacement with Palpatine's Galactic Empire, Mouse continued to fight against oppression by resisting the newly established Empire.


  • Star Wars: Star Tours (Pack: Jedi Mickey & Yoda) (backup link) (First mentioned)
  • Star Wars: Star Tours (Pack: Jedi Mickey Lightsaber) (backup link)
  • Acme Jedi Mickey Character Key
  • R2-MK Coming to Disney Parks This Spring on (content now obsolete; backup link)
  • " Blaster " — Star Wars Insider 117
  • Star Wars Weekends Are Almost Here! on (content now obsolete; backup link)
  • Star Wars: Star Tours (Pack: Jedi Mickey & R2-MK) (backup link)
  • " Blaster " — Star Wars Insider 141
  • Star Wars: Star Tours (Pack: Jedi Mickey's Starfighter) (backup link)

Notes and references
