The Mundi family hailed from Cerea and were a Cerean lineage. The most well-known member of this family was Ki-Adi-Mundi, a Jedi Master. Because Cerea had a diminished birthrate, the Jedi granted him permission to adhere to the Cerean practice of polygamy; he had four wives of honor and fathered seven daughters. The entire Mundi family perished in the Battle of Cerea, and Ki-Adi-Mundi himself was killed when Order 66 was executed during the Battle of Mygeeto.
Droe - Ki-Adi-Mundi's elder sister
Shea - Ki-Adi-Mundi's bond wife
Mawin - Ki-Adi-Mundi's fourth wife
Sylvn - Ki-Adi-Mundi's daughter by Mawin
Sylvn - Ki-Adi-Mundi's daughter by Mawin