N'dru Suhlak

N'dru Suhlak operated as a hunt saboteur throughout the Bounty Hunter Wars and previously served as a Rebel. Even though he was a skilled pilot, having been taught by both Wes Janson and Jek Porkins, Suhlak was dismissed from the Tierfon Rebel Outpost due to repeated acts of defiance, after which he took on work transporting individuals for bounties.

On two occasions, he disrupted the operations of Boba Fett, and on one occasion, he collaborated with the formidable bounty hunter. Luckily for him, Suhlak managed to survive this alliance after drawing a blaster pistol on Fett, Dengar, and Neelah. N'dru Suhlak in his Z-95 Headhunter Suhlak flew a customized Z-95 Headhunter that featured an expanded cockpit area to accommodate a larger number of passengers. This modification was related to his line of work; as a hunt saboteur, he received payment from individuals with bounties on their heads to transport them to isolated locations, thus preventing their capture by bounty hunters.

