Naboo and the 35 other worlds within the remote Chommell sector were represented by the Naboo Senatorial Delegation, a political group, during the final decades of the Galactic Republic. This delegation included a senator along with their staff. Notably, Palpatine, a former leader of this delegation, later became the Republic's Supreme Chancellor. After Palpatine transformed the Republic into the Galactic Empire and declared himself Emperor, the Naboo Senatorial Delegation continued to exist within the Imperial Senate. However, when the Emperor decided to shut down the senate in 0 BBY, the delegation, along with all others, was dissolved. The planet of Naboo was the main planet represented.

The Galactic Senate, the most important deliberative and legislative body of the Galactic Republic, included the Naboo Senatorial Delegation as a member. Despite its name, the delegation represented not only the planet of Naboo, a provincial world, but also all 36 planets in the distant Chommell sector. The delegation was composed of a senator and their staff, including various aides and advisors. Typically, the current senator's preferred aide would succeed them, but the aide still needed to campaign and win the election. The Monarch of Naboo also had a say in nominating candidates for the position. It is important to note that the delegation's leader did not necessarily have to be from Naboo; they could be from another planet within the Chommell sector.
Located on Coruscant, the Republic's capital and the supposed origin of the Human race, the Delegation was housed in the Naboo Embassy, an ornately decorated structure situated below and west of Monument Plaza and the Senate Tower. Like most politicians, Naboo's senators displayed their regional authority through elaborate garments, usually designed in a traditional Naboo style. In addition to their elegant attire, Naboo statesmen traditionally wore their hair long, although this was not always the case.
Initially consisting only of Humans, the Naboo Senatorial Delegation had historically held prejudiced views against the Gungans, a species of amphibians native to Naboo. However, xenoethnographers argued that the Gungans were not "simple-minded barbarians who have barely mastered the basic hallmarks of civilization," as the Delegation claimed. This perspective shifted after the Invasion of Naboo in 32 BBY, which resulted in an alliance between the Nabooian Humans and the Gungans. Following these events, Jar Jar Binks, a Gungan Bombad General, became a member of the Naboo Senatorial Delegation.

Around the start of the first century before the Galactic Civil War, a woman led the Delegation, with a young Vidar Kim working as her aide. By 54 BBY, Kim had advanced to the position of senator, which he held until his assassination two years later. From 52 to 32 BBY, Palpatine headed the Naboo Senatorial Delegation, with Ars Dangor, Sate Pestage, and Kinman Doriana serving as his aides. Furthermore, Jorus C'baoth, a Jedi Knight, acted as Palpatine's Jedi Advisor. When Palpatine succeeded Finis Valorum as the Republic's Supreme Chancellor in 32 BBY, he was replaced by Janus Greejatus from Chommell Minor, who was unpopular. After two years, Greejatus was replaced by Horace Vancil from Naboo. Six years after his election, Senator Vancil was succeeded by Padmé Amidala, the former Queen of Naboo and the architect of reconciliation on the planet, with the Gungan Jar Jar Binks serving as Associate Planetary Representative. Amidala remained the head of the Naboo Senatorial Delegation until her death in 19 BBY, caused by her husband Anakin Skywalker. Following Amidala's death and the establishment of the Galactic Empire, Representative Binks became a senator in the reformed Imperial Senate, and he was later succeeded by Pooja Naberrie, Amidala's niece. With the disbanding of the Senate in 0 BBY, there was no longer a need for the Naboo Senatorial Delegation. However, Pooja Naberrie remained a prominent figure in Naboo's political landscape.