Nareen Cale was a Jedi Master of the Ithorian species. During the Jedi-Sith War, she was a member of the Jedi Order. Post-war, Cale modified official records, falsely labeling the planet Auratera as a "total loss" and environmentally hazardous for centuries to come. Her intent was to safeguard the planet, along with its significant vergence in the Force, from potential exploitation by dark side users and the possible return of the Sith. The Jedi and Sith conflict had devastated Auratera, leaving it with a drastically reduced population of under 100,000.
Thanks to Cale's actions, which included secretly designating the entire Auratera system as unfit for habitation, the planet remained largely isolated. Only a few Jedi conducting research visited it up until the Galactic Empire's rise.
The character of Nareen Cale initially appeared in Nexus of Power, a roleplaying game supplement by Fantasy Flight Games, which was made available on March 17, 2016.