
Auratera, a planet, was a part of the Auratera system found within the Vorzyd sector. This sector resided within the Outer Rim Territories. Its location sat along the Salin Corridor hyperspace route. A potent vergence in the Force was located on the planet, specifically centered at Acablas.


This world, Auratera, was a low-gravity planet situated in one of the most historically civilized regions of the galaxy. It was found in the Auratera system of the Vorzyd sector, which itself was situated in the Outer Rim Territories. Auratera was in the same general area as numerous worlds holding historical significance for the Jedi Order, the Sith, and other users of the Force within the Outer Rim. Despite being near these important locations, and the busy and ancient Salin Corridor hyperspace route, Auratera fell into obscurity. Despite this, the planet was a known destination for both Jedi Masters and Sith Lords, who were drawn to the strong vergence in the Force at Acablas.

Around the time of the Galactic Empire, Auratera contained only a small number of scattered and isolated towns and settlements, including Senoloro, Dewbright and Hriin. In an effort to isolate themselves from the rest of the galaxy, they severed connections with their few remaining trade partners after the fall of the last Sith Empire. To achieve self-sufficiency, many settlements regressed to more basic technologies. While vehicles were frequently used within the settlements, starships were uncommon. Without a central governing body, the various communities governed themselves independently. Even though trade was reduced, some exchange persisted between groups. Each year, starships would secretly visit nearby systems to buy and deliver medical supplies, parts, and vehicles, and to get updates on galactic events.

Auratera's unusual star system resulted in bright skies and limited darkness. Like many others in the galaxy, the system contained two stars; however, its three planets orbited only the larger star, Aurell, passing between it and the smaller star, Ryern. Because the planet had a rotational period of eighteen hours per day, which was faster than average, Auratera's skies were lit by the stars most of the time. Night only occurred when Aurell and Ryern were in a total eclipse. The amount of light Auratera received from the smaller star at other times depended on its proximity and their relative orbital positions. The two stars would sometimes appear close together in the sky, resulting in very bright days and warmer temperatures, while at other times Aurell would light the day and Ryern would brighten the night. When Ryern was closest to Auratera, it provided approximately one-third of the light that Aurell could produce.

Most of Auratera's inhabitants viewed the vergence as a mysterious source of problems, attracting aggressive Force users who wanted to align the planet with their political agendas. During the Republic era, most settlers and colonists had established farms, forestry operations, or ranches, exporting food and other goods to nearby star systems. Each successive war caused more residents to leave the vergence area, and eventually the planet altogether. By the time the last Sith War concluded, Auratera was a war-torn wasteland, with only about 100,000 people remaining, scattered in small towns across the planet. The forest quickly reclaimed the destroyed and abandoned towns and structures.


For thousands of years before the rise of the Galactic Empire, Auratera's allegiance shifted between the Galactic Republic and different iterations of the Sith Empire over millennia, depending on which government controlled the surrounding star systems. After a thousand years following the fall of a Sith Empire, the Jedi aimed to hide Auratera and the Acablas vergence from potential future Sith or other users of the dark-side of the Force.

However, Nareen Cale, an Ithorian Jedi Master, altered official war reports to suggest the planet had suffered significant losses and would be environmentally hazardous for centuries. This was done to safeguard the vergence and the world from another Sith resurgence and other dark-side followers. This action reinforced efforts to secretly reclassify the system as uninhabited and undesirable in official astrogation charts. The remaining residents, having experienced enough violence, fully supported this measure. The Jedi continued to monitor the vergence periodically and secretly visited the scattered inhabited areas.

After the Sith invaded the planet, most of its population of 500,000 had fled and never returned. The number of inhabitants had drastically decreased, and those who stayed were tired of the Sith. They collaborated with the Jedi to secretly modify official Republic records and star maps, falsely labeling the system as uninhabitable during the war. While the Jedi kept the accurate information, the false information persisted, being passed down from the Galactic Republic to the Galactic Empire's charts.

Behind the scenes

The 2016 sourcebook Nexus of Power, created by Fantasy Flight Games for their Star Wars: Force and Destiny roleplaying game, was the first time Auratera was mentioned.


  • Nexus of Power (First mentioned)

Notes and references
