Nax Cirvan

Nax Cirvan, a Dark Jedi of humanoid form and male gender, known also as Baron, once belonged to the Jedi Order. He was later enlisted by Count Dooku as an assassin amidst the Clone Wars. Cirvan wreaked havoc across the Outer Rim Territories until Anakin Skywalker, a Jedi Knight, finally captured him after he attempted to abduct Force-sensitive children for Dooku. For these offenses, Cirvan was locked away in the secret prison known as the Prism, where he remained for the remainder of the conflict. In 19 BBY, he was freed alongside the other inmates by three prominent figures of the newly established Galactic Empire: Darth Vader, a Dark Lord of the Sith, Moff Trachta, and Lieutenant Laurita Tohm. These three had fled Coruscant, the galactic capital, with a wounded Emperor Palpatine, seeking shelter from a coup orchestrated by Gentis, the Headmaster of the Imperial Academy. Vader, formerly Anakin Skywalker and Cirvan's captor, instigated a battle royale amongst the prisoners to find the best recruits. Cirvan survived and swore loyalty to the Empire in exchange for amnesty. The Dark Jedi aided Vader in retaking Coruscant, but the Sith Lord betrayed him by destroying the transport meant to carry him and the other prisoners away from Coruscant.


The Clone Wars

During the final years of the Galactic Republic, Nax Cirvan, a male humanoid with Force abilities, was a member of the Jedi Order. As the time of the Clone Wars approached, Cirvan deviated from the Jedi path, embracing the dark side of the Force and becoming a Dark Jedi. He was recruited as an assassin by Count Dooku, who led the Confederacy of Independent Systems against the Republic. Assuming the title of baron, Cirvan made a name for himself by attacking Republic targets in the Outer Rim Territories, swiftly eliminating a legion of clone troopers or slaying a Jedi General, before disappearing once more. He once claimed to have killed eight Jedi and their Padawans on the plains of Rullag. Dooku then tasked Cirvan with abducting Force-sensitive younglings, drawing the attention of the renowned Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, who eventually found him. Skywalker defeated Cirvan in combat and imprisoned him in the Prism, a clandestine Jedi [prison](/article/prison-legends], alongside other dangerous combatants from the war.

Service to the Empire

In 19 BBY, the Jedi Order and the Republic were destroyed due to the actions of the newly appointed Emperor Palpatine, with the former eliminated and the latter transformed into the Galactic Empire. Soon after, Gentis, the Headmaster of the Imperial Academy, launched a coup to assassinate the Emperor, end the Empire's wars, and prevent further soldier deaths. Palpatine was seriously injured in the attacks, but Darth Vader, a Dark Lord of the Sith, Moff Trachta, and Lieutenant Laurita Tohm saved him. They evacuated Palpatine from Coruscant, the galactic capital, to the Prism, believing it to be a place where Gentis's forces would not find them. While the Emperor received treatment from the facility's medical droids, Tohm devised a plan to reclaim Coruscant by releasing the prisoners to form a small army. Vader, however, instead released all 207 prisoners, including Cirvan, into the prison yard and ordered them to kill anyone, including Tohm and Vader, to identify the best fighters.

The resulting conflict was fierce and indiscriminate. Cirvan witnessed Vader effortlessly defeat numerous opponents. Unaware that Vader was his former captor, Anakin Skywalker, who had also turned to the dark side, Cirvan identified the Dark Lord as the strongest combatant and sought to eliminate the Sith to become the prisoners' leader. The Dark Jedi began by using his Force powers to attack Vader, barraging him with debris and blasts of Force lightning. Closing in, Cirvan used the Force to jump over the [Sith Lord](/article/sith_lord-legends]. However, Vader caught Cirvan's braids mid-air and slammed him to the ground, holding his lightsaber to Cirvan's throat. Recognizing Vader's power, Cirvan surrendered, and Vader spared him, halting the battle. Ultimately, only thirty-three prisoners survived in fighting condition and were informed by Trachta about serving the Empire. Cirvan and the others were promised amnesty in exchange for serving the Empire. Cirvan followed the other prisoners' example and knelt before Trachta, accepting the offer.

Cirvan fighting alongside his new Imperial allies to liberate Coruscant

To retake Coruscant from Gentis, Tohm and Shonn Volta, one of the surviving prisoners, determined the course of Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin's personal [shuttle](/article/shuttle-legends]. Tarkin, assuming Palpatine was dead, was heading to Coruscant to take control of the Empire as its highest-ranking officer. Cirvan, the other ex-prisoners, Vader, Trachta, Tohm, and the recovering Emperor intercepted Tarkin's shuttle and secured his support. Hiding inside the shuttle, the strike team arrived on Coruscant and ambushed Gentis and his cadets. When Gentis tried to capture the Grand Moff as the final step in his coup, Cirvan and the strike team emerged from the shuttle and attacked the traitorous Headmaster's forces, supported only by a few loyal [stormtroopers](/article/stormtrooper-legends] escorting Tarkin. The battle quickly ended, as the prisoners' superior combat skills overwhelmed Gentis's much larger forces. The Emperor, recovered from his injuries, killed Gentis with Force lightning.

Cirvan survived the battle and celebrated with the other prisoners. Unbeknownst to them, the Imperials were deciding their fate. Trachta believed they owed the prisoners gratitude and should honor their promises. Vader argued for their execution to prevent future threats. Tohm proposed a third option: the prisoners would be freed but exiled to the Corporate Sector. Before their departure, Trachta, Tohm, and Vader met them at the landing pad where a transport awaited, reiterating the terms of their release. Cirvan agreed, and Trachta wished him luck. As the ship ascended over Coruscant, it exploded, killing Cirvan and everyone aboard. Tohm and Vader had betrayed the agreement, horrifying Trachta, who was disgusted by the dishonorable massacre.

Personality and traits

Cirvan was a tall, powerfully built humanoid male with long, black braided hair and black markings covering his body. He had light skin and eye color. Described as bitter and jaded by Lieutenant Tohm, Cirvan abandoned the Jedi teachings and embraced the dark side. As Count Dooku's assassin, Cirvan was known as a ruthless killer who readily murdered Jedi Padawans and kidnapped Force-sensitive children. Cirvan was ambitious, as demonstrated by his attempt to kill Vader and lead the prisoners during the Prism riot. However, he was also pragmatic enough to acknowledge defeat and pledge allegiance to the Empire.

Powers and abilities

Trained as a Jedi, Cirvan was skilled in using the Force, demonstrating telekinesis and Force jump during the Prism riot. As a darksider, he learned to use Force lightning. He was proficient with blasters and lightsabers simultaneously, which he used during the retaking of Coruscant.

Behind the scenes

W. Haden Blackman created Nax Cirvan for the 2012 Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison comic book miniseries by Dark Horse. He appeared in the final two issues, drawn by Agustin Alessio. Cirvan's species was not identified in the comics, and although he appeared mostly Human, his facial features were noticeably different from those of an average Human.

