Neira Shai was a soldier who served the Yuuzhan Vong. As a member of the Domain Shai, Commander Shedao Shai sent him to Bimmiel, accompanied by his older cousin Dranae Shai (who might have also been his instructor), with the mission of retrieving the corpse of their forefather, Mongei Shai. Regrettably, Bimmiel's magnetic properties hindered their mission. When Corran Horn and Ganner Rhysode arrived, searching for the personnel of Anki Pace's exploration group, Corran Horn engaged the two in combat, trying to allow Ganner to evacuate the researchers. Eager to fight, Neira initiated the attack on Corran, but Corran swiftly eliminated the youthful warrior by piercing Neira's left eye with his lightsaber.