Newar Forrth

Known as Newar Forrth, or New'arforrth in his Twi'leki language, this character was a male Twi'lek Jedi Master. He served both the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic during the concluding decades of the Republic Dark Age. As the head of the Nercathi clan, Forrth held the title of Jedi Lord on Ryloth, where he governed his people in exchange for defending the planet against the New Sith.


Jedi Lord

Born on Ryloth during the Galactic Republic's Dark Age, Newar Forrth was a Force-sensitive male Twi'lek belonging to the Nercathi clan. This era was marked by war and hardship inflicted by the Sith Empire. The Jedi Order trained him in the ways of the Force, and Forrth rose to become a Jedi Master. Later, he assumed the role of Lord of his home planet, promising to protect the citizens of Ryloth from the Sith. Forrth crafted two lightsabers for his own use, becoming a skilled practitioner of the two-bladed Jar'Kai style of lightsaber combat.

In 1010 BBY, Skere Kaan, a Jedi Master and failed protégé of the Jedi High Council, defected from the Order. He then established the Brotherhood of Darkness with the goal of destroying both the Order and the Republic. Upon learning that Lord Hoth, the battlemaster of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, had rallied the forces of the Jedi Grand Council, Lord Forrth gathered his loyal Jedi and commoners to join Hoth's Army of Light. Forrth fought for ten years against Kaan's Brotherhood, commanding the Third Legion of Light in campaigns like the successful battle on Malrev IV.

During the final year of the conflict, Lord Hoth led Forrth and other prominent lords in a final campaign on the battlefields of Ruusan. While fighting alongside Hoth, Lord Forrth was struck down amidst the extended fighting, ultimately dying on the war-torn planet alongside many of his Jedi brethren.


After Lord Forrth's demise, the battle on Ruusan was eventually won, resulting in the defeat of the Sith forces, though at a great cost. Following the implementation of the Ruusan Reformations by the Republic and the Jedi Order, Jedi Knight Johun Othone successfully persuaded the Galactic Senate to allocate funds for the construction of the massive Valley of the Jedi as a memorial on Ruusan. After recovering Forrth's body, the Jedi cremated the Twi'lek's remains and sent them to Ryloth. Additionally, three statues were erected in the Valley to commemorate the fallen Lord. On Ryloth, members of his clan used the ashes of Forrth's physical form to create three crystal statues of their own.

More than a thousand years after his death, Boc Aseca, a young Twi'lek Force-sensitive, discovered the crystal statues of Forrth on Ryloth. Using his psychometric abilities, Aseca extracted memories of the battles on Ruusan from the statues, which contributed to his fall to the dark side of the Force. Years later, Aseca journeyed to Ruusan and the Valley of the Jedi, where he engaged Kyle Katarn in combat beneath the ancient statues of Forrth. After an intense lightsaber duel, Aseca was defeated in the shadow of the great Twi'lek Jedi.

Behind the scenes

The concept of Forrth's remains being transformed into three idols originates from Idol Intentions in Star Wars Adventure Journal 12.

