Night of the Stranger

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"**Night of the Stranger**" marks the eighth installment in the [second season](/article/ewoks:_season_two) of the animated series [_Ewoks_](/article/ewoks_(television_series)). [Paul Dini](/article/paul_dini) penned the script, while [Dale Schott](/article/dale_schott) took on directing duties. It was initially broadcast on [October 11](/article/october_11), [1986](/article/1986) via the [ABC](/article/abc_television_network) network.

## Storyline Summary

### The Celestial Body

The episode begins by showing a mother [munyip](/article/munyip-legends) and her offspring nestled in their treetop home. In the night sky above [Endor](/article/endor-legends), two [moons](/article/moon-legends) align, intensifying their brightness. Suddenly, a comet hurtles through space, heading directly for Endor. The two moons then move apart.

At [Bright Tree Village](/article/bright_tree_village-legends), [Wicket](/article/wicket_wystri_warrick-legends) and [Teebo](/article/teebo-legends) are receiving instruction from master [Logray](/article/logray-legends) regarding the powers held within the [Sunstar](/article/sunstar-legends). The elder [Ewok](/article/ewok-legends) then shares a tale concerning the [Wizard of the Night Spirit](/article/wizard_of_the_night_spirit). Teebo inquires if the Night Spirit's followers might return. Logray expresses uncertainty but assures them that the [Sunstar](/article/sunstar-legends), kept within his storage, was responsible for their defeat. Wicket's curiosity is piqued, but Logray cautions that the Sunstar possesses the capability to unleash the universe's most potent magic, for both benevolent and malevolent purposes.

Sensing an approaching evil, Logray secures the Sunstar in a cupboard and decides to investigate the source. Wicket and Teebo are eager to accompany Logray, but the [shaman](/article/shaman-legends) deems them too young for the task. He instructs them to remain and observe the skies, and to alert [Chief](/article/chief-legends) [Chirpa](/article/chirpa-legends) should they witness anything out of the ordinary. The two younger Ewoks express their disappointment at being excluded.

Using a telescope, a resentful Wicket observes several older Ewoks receiving their [belts of honor](/article/belt_of_honor). Wicket desires to join them, but Teebo reminds him that he has yet to complete his own belt. Teebo then notices a comet streak across the sky. Looking through the telescope, Wicket confirms the comet's presence. As they rush off to warn Chief Chirpa, the Sunstar emits a glow from within Logray's cupboard.

### The Ethereal Wanderer

Meanwhile, [Kneesaa](/article/kneesaa_a_jari_kintaka-legends) voices her frustration at being excluded from the ceremony, while [Latara](/article/latara-legends) complains about having to supervise the [woklings](/article/wokling-legends). At that moment, Teebo and Wicket arrive, inadvertently tripping over the [bordok](/article/bordok-legends) [Baga](/article/baga). The startled bordok disrupts the ceremony, toppling a container of fruit. Wicket informs Chief Chirpa about the comet. The Chief examines the sky but only sees a [lantern bird](/article/lantern_bird-legends), leading him to believe it was a false alarm. [Shodu](/article/shodu_warrick) admonishes Teebo and Wicket for interrupting the ceremony and sends them away.

Wicket resolves to prove the comet's existence in order to earn a trophy for his belt of honor. Teebo agrees to join him. Kneesaa and Latara decide to secretly follow the boys. After a short search, Teebo stumbles into a trench where the comet has landed. The pair discovers a [mysterious object](/article/unidentified_capsule) that seems to have contained something. Unbeknownst to the Ewoks, they are being observed by a ghostly figure known as the [Stranger](/article/stranger). Sensing a presence, they mistakenly ambush Kneesaa and Latara. At Wicket's insistence, the four Ewoks decide to retrieve the broken object.

At the [Dulok Swamp](/article/dulok_swamp), [King](/article/king-legends) [Gorneesh](/article/gorneesh-legends) and his tribe are celebrating when the ghostly Stranger appears. King Gorneesh warns the stranger that the swamp belongs to the Duloks. However, the ghostly Stranger unleashes a laser beam that propels Gorneesh into the air, causing him to fall into the swamp. Gorneesh submits to the Stranger, declaring that their swamp is now his swamp. The stranger commands the Duloks to accompany him to the Ewok village. The Duloks are frightened, but Gorneesh orders them to obey. Gorneesh realizes that the stranger seeks the Ewok's Sunstar.

In the meantime, the four Ewoks attempt to transport the mysterious object back to Bright Tree Village by traversing the [Soul Trees](/article/soul_tree). However, a powerful gust of wind lifts Teebo into the trees and drops him onto the other Ewoks. Kneesaa asks Teebo what the soul trees are communicating. Teebo replies that the tree is disturbed. Following the windstorm, the object spins and disintegrates, leaving no trace of its existence. Teebo believes that something terrible is about to occur and that they must warn Master Logray.

Elsewhere, Master Logray ventures into the [Thorn forest](/article/thorn_forest), the former territory of the Night Spirit. However, several pillars with vines emerge from the ground, trapping Logray under rocks. Logray is separated from his staff and understands that he must return to the village.

### The Dulok Invasion

Returning to Bright Tree Village, the Stranger and his Dulok followers [attack](/article/battle_of_bright_tree_village_(stranger_war)) the village with the intention of stealing the Sunstar. A pair of Duloks break into Shodu's home, but she successfully repels them. Chief Chirpa and the other male Ewoks engage the invaders in combat. The Stranger ascends to Master Logray's treehouse, where he senses the presence of the Sunstar. Wicket and his companions arrive amidst the Dulok invasion. Kneesaa notices the Stranger holding the Sunstar. The Stranger employs the Sunstar to trap them on a wooden bridge surrounded by flames.

Wicket and his friends cry out for help, prompting Chief Chirpa and the warriors to rush to their rescue. Latara nearly falls through a loose plank. Simultaneously, Gorneesh and [Umwak](/article/umwak) attempt to form an alliance with the Stranger. However, the ghostly figure responds that the Duloks have fulfilled their purpose and orders them to leave. He uses the Sunstar to drive the two Duloks away. Back at Bright Tree Village, the Ewoks cooperate to extinguish the flames, allowing the four young Ewoks to jump to safety. Wicket is reunited with his mother Shodu, while Latara is splashed by Barga.

Chief Chirpa and the adult Ewoks soon discover that the Sunstar is missing. Believing that the Duloks have stolen the Sunstar, Chirpa assembles a force and directs the young Ewoks to return to their huts. Wicket and Kneesaa try to inform Chirpa that the Stranger stole the Sunstar, but Chirpa dismisses their claims. Wicket convinces his friends to pursue the Stranger. Teebo questions a munyip, who reveals that the Stranger headed towards the thorn forest. Latara complains about having to travel through the [Glop pits](/article/glop_pits).

Meanwhile, Logray manages to recover his staff and dislodge the rocks trapping him. However, he is soon confronted by the Stranger, whom he identifies as an "evil" wizard serving the Night Spirit. The Stranger uses the Sunstar to destroy Logray's staff and confine him within a magical forcefield. The Stranger utilizes the Sunstar to conjure a vision of a desolate Endor under his people's dominion but is disturbed by another vision of Wicket and his friends pursuing him.

### Sorcerers of the Night Spirit

The Stranger employs his magic to transform a vine into a giant serpentine creature to eliminate Wicket and his friends. Simultaneously, Wicket falls into the Glop pits but is encased in a bubble, which descends into the swamp. After reuniting with his friends, Latara is captured by the giant serpentine creature. While Teebo searches for a potion, Wicket instructs Latara to attempt to stall the monster. She tries to charm the creature, but it proves ineffective. Teebo retrieves itching dust, which causes the serpent to writhe in discomfort. Wicket retrieves a scale from the serpent for his Belt of Honor, much to Latara's irritation.

Returning to the Thorn Forest, the Stranger reveals his intentions to harness the dark side of the Sunstar to create a gateway to his world and allow the rest of his people to enter. The Sunstar's power causes two other moons to align. Wicket and his friends arrive as the ritual is underway. Wicket and Kneesaa leap at the Stranger, but the spectral figure evades them and transforms into a monstrous creature with enormous jaws. The Sunstar opens a portal, releasing a horde of [Wizards of the Night Spirit](/article/wizard_of_the_night_spirit). The Stranger declares that they will be the first to suffer, causing Latara to cry out.

Chief Chirpa soon arrives with his tribe's warriors. The Stranger dispatches the other Wizards after them. The Ewoks manage to ensnare one with a lasoo, but it drags Wicket and Kneesaa away. Teebo casts spells that transform the Wizards into various harmless objects, as well as shrinking one. Wicket and Kneesaa are thrown into the path of the Stranger, knocking him over. Logray instructs Wicket and Kneesaa to spin the Sunstar in the opposite direction to reverse the spell. While Wicket struggles with the Stranger, Kneesaa uses her grappling line to spin the Sunstar. The Wizards are pulled back into the portal.

The Stranger attempts to drag Wicket with him into the portal, but Kneesaa uses his Belt of Honor to restrain the spectral being, saving Wicket. The Stranger is pulled back into the portal, expelling him from the Forest Moon. As the last of the Wizards is forced into space, the Ewoks breathe a sigh of relief, confident that the Wizards will be unable to return. Wicket is upset that his Belt of Honor is gone. Latara reminds him that Kneesaa saved his life. Wicket believes that he is ruined. However, the wind returns his feather, offering him some solace.

### Tokens of Valor

The following day, Chief Chirpa expresses his gratitude to Wicket, Kneesaa, Teebo, and Latara for their bravery and actions. Wicket inquires if he can join the warrior's circle. Chirpa believes that he is too young and instructs Shodu to present them with their rewards, which turn out to be "beads of bravery." The young Ewoks are disappointed and ask Chirpa and Shodu if they can be bigger or more colorful.

## Consistency

This episode depicts a ceremony where Chief Chirpa promotes [Chukhra-Trok](/article/chukha-trok-legends), [Weechee Warrick](/article/weechee_warrick) and [Asha](/article/asha-legends) to the rank of Ewok warriors. The aforementioned three adult Ewoks had previously completed their Belts of Honor, which is a prerequisite for promotion to the circle of warriors. Wicket would only complete his Belt of Honor following the events of the second season of _Ewoks_.

## Production Credits
    content="A Star Wars CELibration — Star Wars Insider 27"