Nightlily: The Lovers' Tale

title: Nightlily: The Lovers' Tale

"Nightlily: The Lovers' Tale" is a brief narrative crafted by Barbara Hambly for inclusion in Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina, released by Bantam Spectra in August of 1995. This story centers around Feltipern Trevagg and M'iiyoom Onith, also known as "Nightlily," and its events unfold in 0 BBY.

A complete cast audio dramatization was produced by Bantam Doubleday Dell Audio Publishing, an imprint of Bantam Spectra, incorporating authorized Star Wars audio elements.

Storyline Synopsis

The narrative follows Feltipern Trevagg, a Gotal functioning as a tax official, as he encounters M'iiyoom Onith, a female H'nemthe. He experiences an immediate attraction. After learning she missed her transport, he promises to secure passage for the following day. He then extends an invitation to lunch, during which he declares his love. Overjoyed, she consents to marriage, unaware of his fleeting intentions. While passing his workplace, he spots Predne Balu, his colleague, attempting to convey an urgent message: a caution. Disregarding this, he departs with his newfound love. That very night, Feltipern becomes a meal for M'iiyoom, a component of H'nemthe mating customs. The subsequent day, upon discovering his remains, Wuher and Predne can only look on with astonishment at his ignorance regarding the H'nemthe's peculiar mating habits.
