
A Human male named Niklos, who considered himself to be the "unofficial pazaak champion of Taris," was a common sight at the Upper City Cantina on Taris during the Jedi Civil War. He frequently engaged in pazaak matches with Gelrood, until Gelrood's banishment from the Upper Cantina due to suspicions of dishonest gameplay.


During the era of the Jedi Civil War, Niklos, a gambler, made his home on the planet of Taris. The Upper City Cantina was one of his regular haunts, and he dedicated much of his time there to playing pazaak. He often played against Gelrood until the latter was forbidden from entering the cantina because he was suspected of cheating. After this event, Niklos struggled to find a worthy competitor to challenge his pazaak skills.

In 3956 BBY, Revan, the former Sith Lord who had turned to the Jedi ways, visited the Upper City Cantina while searching for Jedi Knight Bastila Shan. While there, Revan acquired a pazaak deck from the retired player Garouk.

Personality and traits

Niklos was a male Human characterized by his green eyes and light complexion. He sported short brown hair and a similarly colored beard.

Niklos held a high opinion of his pazaak abilities, believing his victories were due to his skill, while attributing his losses to mere luck on his opponent's part.

After Revan defeated Niklos in five consecutive games, Niklos accused Revan of cheating. From that moment forward, he persistently labeled Revan as a cheater and refused to engage in any further pazaak matches with him.

Behind the scenes

The appearance of Niklos in the Xbox version.

Niklos made an appearance as a non-player character in the 2003 video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, a product of BioWare's development. In the initial Xbox version of the game, Niklos was depicted with a different head model, featuring black hair and blue eyes.

If a player manages to win against Niklos five times in a row without suffering a loss, Niklos will accuse them of cheating, refusing to play any more pazaak. If Mission Vao is a member of the player's party, she will comment on the accusation, calling Niklos a poor sport.

