Noop Yeldarb, an aged Human individual hailing from Roon, was tasked with the upkeep of the lightstation situated within the Cloak of the Sith. Despite the fact that the majority of lightstations dispersed across the nebula operated independently, Yeldarb's obligation—shared with the Roon Trade Guild—involved preventing pirate interference with the lightstations' locations, which could potentially lure unaware travelers into a perilous ambush. This burden was imposed upon him by the wicked Governor Koong, who had subjugated numerous natives of Roon.
During Yeldarb's time serving on the Umboo Lightstation, Mungo Baobab's vessel, the Caravel, was seized by Koong, who mistakenly identified the explorer as Terrinald Screed. Aided by Baobab, Yeldarb managed to break free from the governor's control and, as a gesture of gratitude, directed the treasure-seeker and his droid associates, R2-D2 and C-3PO, towards the Roon system.
After Koong's demise, Yeldarb went back to the Umboo Lightstation to continue his work.