Noslo-19 slug rifle

The Noslo-19 slug rifle represented a projectile weapon of the rifle type, brought into existence by Czerka Arms. A Kessel-based bounty hunter in the service of the Galactic Empire, named Bane Malar, made use of a Noslo-19, often paired with specialized ammunition.


The Noslo-19 slug rifle, a creation of Czerka Arms, was a slugthrower rifle characterized by its substantial stock and a trigger designed for operation by the hands of a Humanoid. This blaster rifle featured a lengthy barrel and a compact targeting scope. A detachable shoulder strap was also present, connecting the stock to the barrel ahead of the scope. The weapon's colored scheme included a silver body, complemented by brown coloring for the stock, pistol grip, and handguard.


Bane Malar (left) armed with his Noslo-19.

Bane Malar, the bounty hunter aligned with the Galactic Empire, had a preference for a potent Noslo-19, frequently utilizing it with specialized ammunition. Operating from the planet of Kessel, Malar employed this customized slug rifle in conjunction with an enviro-suit to adapt to the atmosphere of Kessel. Sometime following the Battle of Yavin, Malar, armed with his Noslo-19, engaged in combat with a Sullustan, whom he disarmed through the use of telekinesis.

By 4 ABY, Malar found himself on Tatooine at the palace belonging to Jabba the Hutt, a prominent crime lord on the planet. Having accepted a contract from the Black Sun syndicate to assassinate Jabba, Malar brought his Noslo-19 with him during his time at the palace.

Behind the scenes

The Noslo-19 slug rifle's initial depiction was an illustration featured in the 1992 Heir to the Empire Sourcebook, authored by Bill Slavicsek for West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. Subsequently, it was also portrayed on Bane Malar's card in the 1998 Jabba's Palace Limited set of Decipher's Star Wars Customizable Card Game. The weapon received its name when Edward M. Erdelac, writing under the pseudonym "caledre," detailed Bane Malar for's Hyperspace segment "What's The Story?," with the piece released on March 27, 2008. In July of the same year, the Noslo-19 slug rifle was also included with a Bane Malar action figure as part of Hasbro's Star Wars: The Legacy Collection series. The action figure rifle was colored silver, which conflicted with the black rifle shown in the Star Wars Customizable Card Game. This article considers the silver coloration to be the in-universe color of the rifle.


  • Heir to the Empire Sourcebook (First pictured)
  • Star Wars Customizable Card Game — Jabba's Palace Limited (Card: Bane Malar) (backup link) (Picture only)
  • " Deck Plans " — Star Wars Gamer 6 (Picture only)
  • Hero's Guide (Picture only)
  • Star Wars: The Legacy Collection (Pack: Bane Malar) (backup link)
  • Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game — Galactic Hunters (Card: Bane Malar) (backup link) (Picture only)
  • Malar, Bane in the Databank (content now obsolete; backup link) (First identified as Noslo-19 slug rifle)
  • Star Wars: The Ultimate Action Figure Collection (Picture only)

Notes and references
