Novin Bress

Novin Bress served as a scientist employed by Binring Biomedical Product.


Bress, identified as a Human male characterized by a slender physique and hair turning grey, held a position within the special operations branch at Binring's Saffalore-based facility on Saffalore. He participated in Project Chubar. Following the revelation regarding the potential escape of experimental subjects, Warlord Zsinj summoned both Bress and Edda Gast to the Iron Fist to provide clarification.

With composure, Doctor Gast informed Zsinj about the plausibility of test subjects having evaded the explosion orchestrated by Tuzin Gast. Enraged, Zsinj placed a pair of blaster pistols in front of Bress and Gast, seemingly suggesting they take their own lives.

However, Gast opted to discharge her blaster directly into Novin Bress's chest, resulting in his immediate death, which appeased Zsinj.

