Novor 33, located in the Novor system, was a planet situated in the Outer Rim, but was unfit to support life. It was the furthest of the thirty-three planets from the system's star, Novor Major. Because of its distant location, Novor 33 was not destroyed when Novor Major became a red giant and consumed the innermost seventeen planets. Following this stellar event, the planet was redesignated as the sixteenth planet in the system.

Situated within the Tharin sector, Novor 33, once the thirty-third planet of the Novor system but later becoming the sixteenth, was situated in both the Slice and the Outer Rim Territories. Its position was at galactic coordinates S-8 and along the hyperlane known as the Salin Corridor. Despite the expansion of its sun, this uninhabitable world remained largely unaffected.
Many millennia before the Galactic Civil War, the Novor system was comprised of thirty-three planets, with Novor 33 being the most distant from its star, Novor Prime. Eventually, the sun evolved into a red giant, obliterating the seventeen planets closest to it, thus reducing the system to sixteen planets. Novor 33, along with the other surviving planets, remained relatively unchanged by the sun's transformation.
Ancient galactic explorers ventured into the vicinity of the planet between 27,500 BBY and 25,000 BBY. Due to its galactic location, Novor 33 fell under the control of the Hutt species's territories after 25,096 BBY. Hutt Space, representing the reorganized Hutt Empire from around 25,000 BBY, maintained its established boundaries for at least 2,900 years. The advent of the hyperdrive prompted a new wave of explorers to reassess the region surrounding the planet between 20,000 BBY and 15,000 BBY. By 5000 BBY, the Galactic Republic considered the area extensively explored, yet it remained within Hutt Space. This status persisted through the Great Sith War, which spanned from 1004 BBY to 1000 BBY. During this conflict, the Hutts and the Krath maintained a non-aggression pact, granting the Sith Empire, an ally of the Krath, significant political sway over Hutt Space.
For the millennium following the Great Sith War, and until 19 BBY, the planet remained within Hutt Space, after which the Galactic Empire gained prominence. Following this, Hutt Space diminished significantly, eventually stabilizing; the Novor system and its planets were no longer under Hutt control. In 137 ABY, the Galactic Empire led by the Sith Lord Darth Krayt asserted widespread political dominance, encompassing the area where the planet was located.